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The edTPA is no longer required for state teacher certification in Washington. Individual programs may continue to use the edTPA. Candidates should contact their programs regarding specific program requirements. Learn more about the edTPA in Washington .
What tests do I need to take? Read about which tests are required for teacher certification in Washington.
Information about each test. Get specific information about a test, including when and where you can take the test, and access preparation materials by selecting the test from the following table.
National Evaluation Series™ (NES®) Tests
The following NES tests may be used to fulfill the requirement for candidates applying for endorsements on Washington residency teaching certificates.
Test Code | Test |
503 | Art |
305 | Biology |
603 | Blind/Low Vision |
309 | Business Education |
306 | Chemistry |
315 | Computer Science |
101 | Early Childhood Education |
307 | Earth and Space Science |
102/103 | Elementary Education (Subtests I and II) |
301 | English Language Arts |
104 | Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction |
311 | General Science |
304 | Mathematics |
204 | Middle Grades General Science |
203 | Middle Grades Mathematics |
504 | Music |
308 | Physics |
Washington Educator Skills Test–Basic® (WEST–B®)
Test Code | Test |
095/096/097 | WEST–B: Reading, Writing, Mathematics |
Washington Educator Skills Tests–Endorsements™ (WEST–E™)
Test Code | Test |
001 | Paraprofessional |
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